"What exactly is this website all about?" I hear you ask. And well you may.
>> About the Characters.
Epoch and Jazz Panther are characters we created in 1996-1997 as fan-fiction characters for a Sonic the Hedgehog role-playing chatroom on AOL called Knothole. We hung out with fellow Sonic fans like Enigma1066, Klarisa Lynx, Melana Gras, NanakiTW, MaraRe4, Tronic123, AmyRose12, Usagi201, and RikMach, to name but a few veterans.
>> About the Website.
I created my first web site in 1998 entitled "The Jazz Panther Homepage". It was located at http://members.tripod.com/JazzPanther/ (which is long gone). Sadly, very little remains of the original site because I failed to preserve my earliest web site projects. All I have left are a few printouts and saved images from that era.
In 1999, Epoch and Jazz teamed up to create a single web site called Probably Panthers (Why was it called that? Well, we wanted Panther Productions, but it wasand still istaken.) Originally hosted at www.probablypanthers.com, the site never really took off, due mostly to my laziness. The site only contained a brief character profile of Epoch and Jazz. Thankfully, I did save the Probably Panthers logo, the same that is used on this web site.
Today, Epoch and Jazz are mostly memories to their creators, but this web site serves as a time capsule to preserve them in their true home on the internet. Who knows, could be the making of a comeback...
Original Jazz Panther Homepage logo, 1998
